Singing Guide: Danny Kaye

Singing Guide: Danny Kaye

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Danny Kaye was a multi-talented star of stage, screen, and radio who made an indelible impression on the entertainment world with his singing and comedy. Learning to sing like Danny Kaye requires some knowledge of his unique vocal style, which combined a smooth, clean sound with wry humor and expertly delivered impressions. This article will provide some tips on how to learn to sing like Danny Kaye, as well as some of his signature songs to showcase his style.

Tips for Singing Like Danny Kaye

  1. Practice your vocal dexterity. Danny Kaye was known for his ability to sing very quickly and with impeccable diction. To achieve this, practice enunciating quickly and cleanly. Tongue twisters can be a great tool for this, as well as vocal exercises designed to increase your speed and accuracy.

  2. Learn to play with your voice. Danny Kaye was famous for his impressions and his ability to change his vocal tone and style dramatically. Experiment with different vocal styles and try to emulate different singers or characters to hone your vocal flexibility.

  3. Use humor and timing to enhance your performance. One of Danny Kaye's greatest strengths was his ability to deliver a song with a sense of humor and style that made it stand out. Try to put your own spin on the songs you're singing, and use timing and comedic timing to enhance the performance.

  4. Work on developing your range. Danny Kaye had a fairly evenly-distributed vocal range, but he was especially known for his ability to hit the high notes with clarity and precision. Focus on developing your upper range to match his style.

Signature Songs

Here are some of Danny Kaye's most recognizable and well-known songs, which showcase his unique style and vocal abilities.

  1. "Anatole of Paris" - This song from "Can-Can" features a quick, cleverly-written lyric with plenty of opportunities for vocal dexterity and humor.

  2. "The Ugly Duckling" - This children's song features a slower tempo and a clear, pure vocal line that showcases Kaye's ability to hit the high notes with ease.

  3. "There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea" - This traditional folk song was made famous by Danny Kaye's clever and humorous adaptation. Try to emulate his playful, tongue-in-cheek approach to the song.

  4. "Civilization (Bongo, Bongo, Bongo)" - This song from "The Road to Utopia" features a fast-paced lyric with plenty of opportunities to practice your vocal dexterity and comedic timing.

  5. "Minnie the Moocher" - This blues classic features a growling, down-and-dirty vocal line that showcases Kaye's ability to change his vocal tone and style to fit the song.

Singing Carrots Resources

Here are some Singing Carrots resources that can help you develop your singing style like Danny Kaye:

  • Use the Vocal Range Test to determine your own range and begin working on expanding it.
  • Take the Pitch Accuracy Test to assess your own pitch accuracy and work on improving it.
  • Use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to see your sung notes on a virtual piano and work on accuracy and range.
  • Utilize the Pitch Training exercises to improve your range and agility.
  • Use Singing Carrots' Song Search feature to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference.
  • Explore the Vocal Ranges of Famous Singers to get a sense of the range and style of various iconic vocalists.
  • Take the Educational Singing Course to develop your vocal skills and knowledge of singing theory.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.